Monday 11 June 2007

Checkmate in 5 moves

第五局 Puzzle No.5


1. 炮六进六 士5进4 2. 炮六平九 士6进5
3. 兵四平五 前卒平3 4. 炮九进一 象1退3
5. 兵八平七 (红胜)

Sunday 10 June 2007

Checkmates in 5

第三局. Puzzle No.3


1. 车三进四 将6退1 2. 车三平四 将6进1
3. 车五进四 将6退1 4. 车五平四 将6进1
5. 炮九平四 (红胜)

第四局. Puzzle No.4


1. 马六进四 将5平6 2. 车六进七 士5退4
3. 炮九平四 马7退6 4. 炮五平四 车1平6
5. 炮四进三 (红胜)

Saturday 9 June 2007

Starting with puzzle No. 1 and No.2

Starting with puzzle No.1 and No.2

今天我们发表第一局和第二局。五步杀棋! 精妙,自己试试吧,首先不要看答案。

Puzzle No.1


1. 车九平六 马5进4 2. 兵五平六 将4进1
3. 马九进七 将4退1 4. 马七进八 将4进1
5. 兵四平五 (红胜)


Puzzle No.2

I remember I shown this to John, he solved it without much difficulty.


1. 马二退四 车1平6 2. 车二进八 车6进1
3. 车二平六 士4进5 4. 炮九平五 卒6平5
5. 车六进一 (红胜)


Do something now

For a long time I have not posted anything here, let do something now.


Tuesday 20 March 2007


"五指山枰" 的英文 "前言".

Chess of the Wuzhi Mountain


Chinese Chess is a most treasured jewel in the crown of the traditional Chinese culture. It has the power to entertain, to increase people's knowledge, opening the mind, and it can also give disciplining training in the way of our thinking. For all these reasons, it is much welcome and taken by heart by men and women, young and old, since time immemorial.

Now at this moment, many various kind of chess are in good shape and in full developments, for example, Weiqi and ordinary chess, each having its own wide followers, only that Xiangqi, which has an infinite move variations, full of unfathomed mysteries, to people and to Nature, is still not yet popular enough in many parts of the world, much to the regret of the Xiangqi lovers and fans.

Seeing this state of affair, we have joined force together, across the great distance of oceans and space, through the exchange of letters, and in order trying our bit to help putting Xiangqi in the world stage, we made many effort in our studies, we discussed our ideas, we faced and overcame difficulties in order to produce this bilingual Chinese-English version of the "Chess of the Wuzhi Mountain", a collection of endgames studies and problems, all having a five moves checkmate or draw by Red pieces. We wish to create a cascade of brilliant and fantastic moves, unforgettable in mind, much desired in heart. It is aimed in the first place for the beginners, wherever they may be, in the East as well as in the West. We think it is a good guide for students of the game, as it started with simple, basic level and gradually moved to more difficult and advanced level.

As "Chess of the Wuzhi Mountain" was edited in a short and hasty time, we appreciate our readers to point out our mistakes which may come across in reading the book.

Shu Ming Li (San Francisco)
C. K. Lai (London)

Spring 1998, when flowers were blossoming

Saturday 10 March 2007

五 指 山 枰

前 言



我们两人有鉴於此,虽然远隔重洋,为了推进中国象棋国际化,只凭鱼雁相通,苦心研究交流,不遗余力克服困难,合编 "五指山枰" 中英文本面世,意为五步成杀或巧和,期能创造连珠妙著,扣人心弦,特别是提供一般初学者,无论华人或西人,从浅到深,良堪借镜。



© "五指山枰"

Thursday 8 March 2007

Welcome To All

Welcome to all our visitors.

We will be posting some text and diagrams of the "Chess of the Wuzhi Mountain" in a few days time.