Saturday, 9 June 2007

Starting with puzzle No. 1 and No.2

Starting with puzzle No.1 and No.2

今天我们发表第一局和第二局。五步杀棋! 精妙,自己试试吧,首先不要看答案。

Puzzle No.1


1. 车九平六 马5进4 2. 兵五平六 将4进1
3. 马九进七 将4退1 4. 马七进八 将4进1
5. 兵四平五 (红胜)


Puzzle No.2

I remember I shown this to John, he solved it without much difficulty.


1. 马二退四 车1平6 2. 车二进八 车6进1
3. 车二平六 士4进5 4. 炮九平五 卒6平5
5. 车六进一 (红胜)


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